Weightlifting and Back Injuries

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Weight Lifting and Back Injuries

Just about all fitness trainers will agree that weightlifting is an excellent method of getting into shape and staying in shape. Like any other physical activity, however, it is not without its risks. Probably the most common injury from weightlifting is back injury. By the same token, while back injuries are a potential risk with weightlifting, if they do occur most often they are the result of poor technique or other errors made by the lifter that can be easily avoided.

There are several possible back injuries that can occur during weightlifting. The most common are stress fractures that occur when flexing the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the back against resistance such as regularly occurs during weightlifting. These types of injuries are most commonly caused by improper technique during the squat, the deadlift and the clean and jerk. Older people who may already be suffering from degenerative disc disease, or people who may already be recuperating from a back injury are particularly susceptible to weightlifting related back injuries.

There are several ways to avoid back injuries while weightlifting:

  • Know your limitations, do not lift beyond your weight max based on your body condition. New lifters take note. If you are carrying a lot of weight in your abdomen, it may already be stressing your spine unnaturally. Your best bet is to concentrate on higher reps and lower weights for weight loss first. This activity will also give you a chance to strengthen your core muscle group which will help protect your back later.

  • For many exercises it is easier and for those with an injured or weakened back especially, safer to work out using weight machines over free weights
  • If you do choose to use free weights, make sure you work with a spotter
  • While the use of weight belts for most lifters generally is agreed to have little value, for those with an injured back they can be useful in preventing further injury. Check with your doctor or personal trainer if they think you should use a back belt.
  • Do not attempt to do the weightlifting exercises that most often result in back injury i.e.: squats, deadlifts, clean and jerks, without proper training and or supervision.

We've spoken a lot about preventing an exercise injury to your back while weightlifting, but what about returning to lifting after a back injury, one that may or may not have even been caused by lifting?

First off you can and will return, but do not expect to return exactly where you left off. You may be able to ease back into you exact routine; you may have to modify your routine to suit you current condition. Only your trainer or spine care professional will be able to accurately advise you. Most fitness pros agree however that after an injury reestablishing that "mind muscle link" that gets the body back into muscle building mode is critically important, and the hardest aspect to the road back. It is best to start slow and ease your body back into bodybuilding gear when coming back from an injury, just as you would do from taking any significant break in your regular weightlifting routine.

One possible step for preventing a back injury in any athletic endeavor, or recovering from one, is to engage in back flexibility and strengthening exercises and movements such as are found in the practice of yoga.

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Weightlifting Back Injury Exercise

Page Updated 8:05 AM Friday 2/27/2015