Weightlifting for Kids

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Weight Lifting for Kids

There was a time when it was fairly hotly debated whether kids should lift weights, and strength train. The controversy stemmed from the fact that the epiphyseal plates, the so-called growth plates, that allow a child to grow, are not closed completely in children and youths. The open distance in these plates is what allows for growth and the thinking was that weightlifting, and certain other forms of physical activity, could possibly close these structures prematurely, thus impacting a child's growth and development.

Recent studies, however, have shown that there is no clinical evidence of weightlifting per se in children causing growth plate injuries. In fact, most fitness trainers and family physicians agree that weightlifting and strength training is generally beneficial to children.

Obesity, especially obesity in children, is rampant in this country. Weightlifting fats fight.

We know that.

Building lean muscle mass is the best way for children, or adults, to get rid of fat. In addition to its ability to help effectively burn fat, weight training and weightlifting provide a routine and discipline that many children crave and need. Weightlifting in children builds not only muscle but also self-esteem, confidence, and athletic ability. It teaches children at an early age respect for their bodies and sets in motion good nutrition and good health habits for a lifetime. Speaking from personal experince, this former proverbial "98 pound weakling" who was the target of many a school yard bullies never had his lunch money stolen again after I began weightlifting and strength training in the 5th grade, at the advice of my grandfather, a former Golden Glove Boxer.

The American Pediatric Society recently issued guidelines for strength training and weightlifting in adolescents. The report concluded that weightlifting indeed presents no harm to adolescents (other then the same general risks of injury to any weightlifter) and in fact it does lead to increased strength and muscle growth in adolescents and pre-adolescents. The guidelines went on to say that teens and preteens should not lift to their maximum to avoid potential injury to growth plates, and that they should lift a weight that they could comfortably do 12 -15 repetitions with on a given weightlifting exercise.

No one is suggesting that your child, especially a young one, should start training like a power lifter. However, studies have shown that children as young as 8 doing a little strength training about 100 minutes a week, not at the maximum weight, but at that 10-12 rep range, saw a drastic increase in strength. It was reported that children in the study, which monitored 8-12 year olds, also showed improvements in eating habits. And interestingly enough parents in the study also reported a noticeable improvement in the behavior and attitude of their children.

One last note on this subject: It has been found that the sort of life children lead has a definite and traceable effect on their health and fitness in later life. It is easier for a once-active child to get back into shape as an adult, he or she will more likely maintain a higher level of fitness than childhood "couch potatoes", and the active child's health will be better throughout adulthood on average.

Burn the fat feed the muscle with natural weightlifting methods


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Weightlifting for Kids

Page updated 11:24 AM Friday 2/27/2015